Got a late post going today....Max had to have the Big "C" this morning....for the uninitiated you have to drink a horrible liquid plus lots of water, no food.....and there is a camera involved. Because of the delicacy of the situation ...there will be no further details....but I am taking orders for 8x10 glossies for close personal friends.
I got up early yesterday ...and today...and was to bed late last night. So after getting home I took a nap. A real rarity for me! Sure felt good...might do it more often!
I have been trying to put an assortment of videos on my video bar....all about painting but it doesn't seem to work right...Any suggestions out there? Of course I have checked the tutorials...can't seem to find my particular problem.
The interview went extremely well yesterday...I understand it will be published August 28, in the Profiles magazine. I got a lot a compliments from the photographer on my work.......and myself Teehee! We talked a lot about light and Photoshop. The editor was a doll and very inquisitive...simply wanted to know everything about me....don't really know what to say about that! Well everyone in this household is anxiously awaiting the article. Me too!
A few lines I have started repeating to myself..they are pinned to my easel!! The painting today was done while in John Budicins' workshop at The Scottsdale Artists School in Arizona.
▪ I am true to my talents and joys, and I let life help me with all else.
▪ Life takes care of me in miraculous ways. I let go of any sense of loss and accept my good through clever doors and packages.
▪ I move gracefully from good to better to best. I ask for all of what I want, and the universe responds.
▪ I line up my intention and the universe lines up the means. I am equal to my dream
I have been doing this for a long time.....but just recently found the words expressed so eloquently on Alyson Stanfields' website
Try it you might like it!!
Max is awake....he is very hungry...!
Bye ya'all, Theresa
I love this painting,and
your writing is terrific.
Thanks for the affirmations.
beautiful art!
Your video bar is searching according to key words you use. In my case, even though my useername is artbyerika, someone had credited me for doing his video so it picks up his art too lol When are you going to do your video? I can help :)
Let us know how it went with Max. I need to do it and am very reluctant. What a great painting!
Theresa, Just when I have time to work on my blog, I find another wonderful place to spend my time. I am just loving your writing and paintings. Everyone of your paintings are gorgeous. This one and several others have stopped me as I've gone up and down. I am honored that you took the time to commit on my paintings. Thank you.
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