Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So much to do!!!

The Golden Hour 24x30 $2200

I am hurriedly but carefully assimilating all the pictures and info from our trip. As always, I am a very busy person....or perhaps not as organized as I should be. I have a show this weekend and am putting together the final touches on some new pieces. You know, sometimes you turn your back on painting and don't think about it for awhile and come back with fresh eyes? Well, that is what happened to me. Mostly it is the edges...I like a loose painterly style that is still realistic but not messy. So I redid the roof on the previous house painting....I also have a painting of cows that needed some fine tuning...and I am trying to finish one more painting in time for the show! Plus I added three strokes to a Plein Air piece while I was on vacation! I am also looking down the road at a solo show that I will need 12 to 20 pieces for by March and several entries plus a workshop I am hopefully going to pull off. The show in March is at SPIVA Center for the Arts and I am feeling a little pressure. Not to mention I have still not finished unpacking since I moved to Carthage.
We had breakfast with fellow artist/sculptress Linda Simpson catching up with her and whats been going on in her world after a sympathetic visit with a mutual friend. Max is framing and wiring paintings and running to Joplin to get spray for the paintings and some foam core to make a new a still life set up box that I saw at Jeff Leggs' studio. Details later!!!
While Max and I were in Estes Park we spent time with Jeff Legg a friend and fellow artist, went to dinner....and had a few drinks, listened to live music ( he played a Guy Clark selection that Max and I love on Max's request).....and talked art! Jeff's studio is a beauty and his work is fabulous...he was very positive about my work as he has watched me grow these past 7 years and has been good at pointing out my weaknesses! There is so much to learn and the miles needed on the paintbrush are a necessity.
A few posts of the paintings I have done for the show and one done last year!
Happy to be busy!
Cabbage Roses and Persimmons 14x14 $450

House On Harmony Road 16x20 $800


  1. The fact is that your work, your
    kindness, your writing, and your
    philosophy on life blow me out of
    the water.

    I promise to fulfill my obligations to
    the super award. But with the broken
    ankle and teaching, just keeping it
    together is a full time job. So I
    sympathize, and then I see the work
    you're turning out, and Wow!


  2. Congratulations on your upcoming show! Maybe I can gather up a group to attend, that would be cool :) Love these pieces especially the cabbage roses. I get lost in petals so I tend to avoid flowers and appreciate artists when they do paint them well.

    I'm about to put together a still life background system so I'm definitely curious about what you learned from Jeff who I've only met once.

    And finally, how many times did you ask Max to slow down or stop the car so you can take a picture for a possible landscape? lol

  3. Thank you Barbara...I am rather speechless when I receive glowing comments! I have been fortunate and never broken anything....well I had back surgery....but it wasn't broken...it did put a kink in my life though. I have a great admiration for your teaching with a broken ankle. I don't think I could have done it!!

  4. Erika, erika, erika!!! How adorable can anyone be!! I read Vicki's Blog and it suits you to a T!!! I would love to see you there and everyone you might bring...all day Saturday and Sunday at the Memorial Hall in Carthage! Max is a sweetheart and has as good an eye as I do..almost..teehee!! He has no problem stopping and many times just stops because he intuitively knows I am interested in a scene!!! Details on still life background today.

  5. The Golden Hour really captures the feel of that field. I'd like to be standing right there.

  6. Thank you Onpainting...your comment makes me feel like I accomplished what I intended!

  7. let's talk about a 'real' workshop here in NWA...I've put together a few for next year...you are definitely 'star' instructor material!

    wish you were closer so we could sit and talk art...thank goodness for blogging so we can stay in each other's heads.


  8. I am really thinking about doing one Vicki! A two or three day....which do you think would be best? Blogging is great .....I have no idea why I took so long to do it. I like being in your head...it is a fun place to be!!
