Ardie's Villa 11x14 sold
Here are a couple of plein air paintings both sold....I have always loved the freshness and spontaneous feel of outdoor painting. They are both from local places just a few miles from me. I wish that same freshness and the chance to paint outdoors happened more frequently. I am still a bit under the weather. Max is recuperating but still coughing.
For today's post I want to respond to a comment that Erika left me yesterday because it had some interesting things that might warrant some of your attentions. Erika is an extremely versatile artist...A stunning human being....and one of the most charming people I know.
Here is Erika's comment:
Artists clean their studios? I think I was absent when they taught that lol That is one serious easel Theresa, it means business! You guys do have a lot of work to do there, but it will all be worth it since you're doing it together and the house does seem like there is new life wanting to break out of it! I know you'll breathe it into it ;)
The kiddies are cute! Awwww the barefooted princess, does she look like your mini-me? Glad you had fun with the family and you even discovered Wii! Looks like something I'd enjoy as I loooove games especially if I can engage the husband to join me.
No worries about posting frequently as long as you promise to let me peek in once in a while. Guess this means you won't be offering a fall workshop here huh? I hope to see you here next year maybe. Welcome home! Yes, Erika, my granddaughter Terinna
I have not given up on holding another workshop....but I will have to see how it goes here. I believe I may have overextended myself this coming year.....but I always love a challenge!
Love, Theresa
Theresa-I really enjoyed reading about your approach to friendly clutter while you immerse yourself in a new work.
You really supply such generous and interesting narratives to your posts and it humanizes your art and reflects the richness of your life.
Always a delight to stop by here- to see your work, how diverse it is, and get a glimpse into another artists' life.
WOW a post in response to me! I've been made! HAHA! Let me congratulate you on the sales, they're all so beautiful and wonderful food for my soul! You must have been a wise one in past life as you manage to continue to teach me even from a distance by letting us see your brushstrokes and the relaying to us the beauty your see in scenery that we may neglect appreciate with our artist eye.
HA I did hit the nail on the head about Terinna as your mini-me! I definitely saw the same spark in her eyes as what I saw in yours! She's precious!
BTW I'm Theresa too. Actually my Dad named me Mari-Tess (yes, hyphenated), but the nuns wouldn't take me in because my name wasn't Biblical so they changed it to Maria Theresa and Erika is my middle name - but I changed it back to Mari-Tess Erika when I became US citizen. Thanks for the love Theresa!
Clutter is a way of life one has to grow to appreciate. :) I work 40 hours a week and paint in the evening and after the sun goes down so I don't spend a heck of a lot of time picking up. Funny tho how much freer I feel when all that crap is gone. EW
Hi Theresa,
The paintings are so lovely, fresh and lively.
I agree with Eldon. When I'm painting the studio looks like a hurricane hit. I'm not a tidy person by nature -- I just have to work at it. Then when I finish a major painting project whew - I can clear up the mountain of paper towels, and organize my paints again. Still I like the look of Bob Burridge's studio, and he really paints heartily when he paints. His clothes, brushes and probably if he's anything like me, his walls and floors are coated in acrylic.
I do like a clean slate, but find it
hard just like Eldon to find the time to create it, with teaching, and painting.
My easel is not a serious one. Is there a serious one that folds up? In a tiny home that's an essential feature.
You are right your granddaughter looks just like you. I thought that
the moment I saw her face. Lucky girl, she's beautiful now and she'll grow up to be beautiful like you.
Lots of love to you,
Thanks for keeping on blogging.
Clutter means life is happening. But just like anything of course we need to heed moderation. When I don't clean up in between projects I can feel the change in the house atmosphere toward a more stressed feeling. So I clean and we're good for one day lol
Hi Bonnie and thank you for stopping by....I know that sometimes my blogs are a little lengthy....I seem to enjoy writing about all the little details in life! Thank you for your appreciation and comments on my work!
Well, well....Theresa i would have never guessed...I like the name your Dad gave you. Actually my middle name is Theresa...My first name is Ferna....Yikes...given to me by my Dad! Iy is not so much me as a teacher but you are a quick study!
Clutter no clutter....whatever works for you is what is important! Your work is outstanding and I am loving the progressions!
Hello Barbara....I believe that whatever works for the individual is what is important....we all develop our own system. Don't think for a minute I don't get paint all over me while I am working....I do! The only fold up easel I have that is serious is for outdoors.....thank you for always reading!!!
Yes Erika....I agree!
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